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Class Management System


Client wished to create a web based Class Management System to maintain the different activities of parents, students, teachers, sponsor for the particular center. The client has considered 12 different centers and details of all centers will be managed individually.

“Class Management System” has a wide range of goal and objectives, some of the challenges faced during the implementation are:

  • Assists class centers with the difficult task of disseminating important information to students and their parents.
  • Provide a platform to give teachers additional resources.
  • Secure login to teachers/admins/super admins for viewing their daily activities.
  • A centralized system where all the class staff could execute their daily tasks, and where the management was able to gather real-time data about all the center’s operations.
  • Offline data management along with sync process.


  • Development Platform

    Visual Studio, Crystal Report, SQL Server

  • Third Party Tool

    QuickBook, Mailgun, SMSEnvoi and DataTable JS

  • Technologies

    MVC (Razor), JQuery, Bootstrap, Microsoft Sync Service and Crystal Report

  • Database

    SQL Server


TatvaSoft developed a web portal “Class Management System” which is easily maintain and manage the classes allocation on basis of the level decided through the placement test taken during registration over the different centers.

It offered following features which include:

  • Managing and maintaining the offline and online sync for the application, along with the last sync details.
  • Access rights and dynamic role management for the different users (Students, parents, teacher, sponsor, etc.) for the particular center only.
  • Various functionalities for managing the teacher module such as Teacher selection for center, Teacher timing, Assignment, Teacher substitution, working hours, etc.
  • Managing the exam feature with different functionalities such as exam type, class wise schedule, result management etc.
  • Fee transfer can be done by the parent, student and sponsor for the same center only. Approval of the super admin is required for successful fee transaction.
  • Managing and maintaining the class related information such as class history, payment history, attendance, exam grade and various students’ events.
  • The library module with various functionalities such as sales management, purchase management, book request, book issue/return, inventory management, etc.
  • The support for the different payment option for fees like Cash, Cheque, Wallet (Same as Paytm wallet functionality).
  • The various report generation such as Teacher time table, Schedule, Result list, Daily cash register, Waiting List, Attendance, Event Registration, Invoice, POS, etc.
  • Manage Email/SMS log, to maintain the history and status of the various sent mail.
  • A calendar functionality for scheduling different features like Class times, Events, Capable of handling multiple centers efficiently.
  • Dynamic assessment is performed using dynamic algorithm.
  • Time Table management which ensures that the teachers are allocated with the appropriate subject and class.
  • Admin will have search functionality to search students, parents, sponsors, and teachers even though they are spread across different centers.
  • The website supports other functionality such as dynamic paper generation, results generation of students, center allocation on basis of result, dynamic profile verification, managing medical records for the students, etc.
  • Responsive design for an easy access from lightweight devices such as smartphones and tablets.


Client gained immense benefits from TatvaSoft’s end-to-end services as it could standardize the business processes over many different schools. The Solution helped to improve the quality and efficiency of services provided to the customers. The organization could centralize the system and hence improved the coordination among the different centers.

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