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Clinical Management System


Our Customer based in Maryland (MA), U.S.A. required a clinic management application for doctors and patients. He wants to automate all daily activities in the clinic by providing quality services to doctors and patients. The web application helps doctors to keep track of the patient information like an appointment, prescription and other crucial data. The patient can get their appointment through the web application interface.

The aim was to develop a healthcare web application to help efficient clinic management by managing doctor's appointments, medical billing, patient's treatment history, diagnostic information and the administrative activities of a clinic.

  • Development of signature pad for digital signature
  • Integration of third party Infragistics controls


  • Server

    Microsoft Windows Server

  • Web Server


  • Programming Language

    ASP.Net, C#


  • Front office module:
    • Check-in, check-out and holding the patients
    • Searching patient information
    • Managing transaction details
  • Client profile module:
    • Patient demographic and contact information
    • Blood group, height, weight, ESIC, voters card no. etc.
    • Admission and discharge history
    • Billing information
  • Reporting Module:
    • Appointment details
    • Payment history
    • Patient profile
    • Lab analysis reports
    • Treatment details
    • Inventory reports
  • Appointment module:
    • Internal emails
    • Scheduling appointments
      • Managing daily appointments
      • Assigning counselor
      • Maintaining billing schedule
  • Inventory module:
    • Sale and purchase clinical item such as drugs, pumps
    • DEA222 form


  • Clinical management application helps doctors, nurses and other clinical staff to manage and execute their daily activities.
  • Features such as ease of use, speed in retrieving information, multi-user functionality and manageability are exemplary compared to other applications.
  • Professional solution for doctors which resulted in increased reputation and revenue of their clinics.

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